COVID-19 Information | Recommendations and Measures

OgaFixie is following very closely the evolution of the Coronavirus crisis (COVID-19) and recommends respecting the rules of hygiene as below:


Wash your hands thoroughly for 30 seconds with soap and water several times a day or use hydro-alcoholic gel if you do not have a water source nearby.


Cough and sneeze into a tissue. After use, throw the tissues in a trash can and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. If you don’t have a tissue on you, cough and sneeze into the crook of your elbow. This gesture is more hygienic than putting your hand over your mouth. However, if you do need to use your hands, wash them thoroughly with soap and water or hydroalcoholic gel as soon as possible.


In case of fever or feeling of fever, patients with a simple or moderate form should be able to be treated in town using the medical and paramedical resources of the territory and by mobilizing all the actors.


If you have symptoms (cough, fever) that make you think of Covid-19: stay home, avoid contact, call a doctor before going to his office, or call the emergency number in your area.


If symptoms worsen with difficulty breathing and signs of suffocation:


  • Call NCDC at 0800 970000 10 (Toll-Free) or visit their website for more information
  • Contact the Federal Ministry of Health through their website


The virus is transmitted by the projection of droplets and via close contact of less than one meter, for 15 minutes, we ask you to limit close physical contact (braces, handshakes, hugs) and to strictly respect the distance from 1 meter with all your contacts, in private life as well as in professional life.


Be careful not to rub your eyes or put your hands to your mouth or nose.